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Article: Merry Christmas from Amani!

Merry Christmas from Amani!

Merry Christmas from Amani!

Dear Friends of Amani,

Celebrating the birth of Christ is a season filled with joy! He has changed the trajectory of our lives forever – from a state of hopelessness and despair to a place of purpose and fullness.

During the 20 years Laetisia has been with Amani she has experienced this radical change herself. Her life was in darkness. Laetisia shares from her heart, “I have never known love by my father or by my husband. People who I thought would love me have turned out to be the worst. I never knew love.”

When she couldn’t take it any longer, she turned to God for help. He heard her broken heart and came to her rescue. In her early days at Amani the women prayed for her every day before she returned home. All the encouragement and comfort expressed by the Amani women warmed Laetisia's heart. Over time Laetisia was able to earn enough to support her family. The Amani school sponsorship program helped her educate her children.

Twenty years later: Brian will graduate next year with a university degree in Business Management. Yvonne has completed high school and has a diploma in Cosmetology. Both of them have entry level jobs at Amani.

“Amani has made me into the woman I am today,” expresses Laetisia. “God has remained my true friend. He is my everything. He is the first person who ever loved me.”

Because of God’s great love, He sent his Son to love us. This is the Christmas Story.

The experience of Laetisia and her family is replicated many times over at Amani. The holistic impact of Amani is obvious – from ministering to broken hearts, to providing skill sets training, to sponsoring children’s education, to offering entry level jobs.

We invite you to be a part of the legacy of what God is doing at Amani through your prayers of faith and gifts of love. Would you consider giving a gift to Amani this Christmas, a gift that keeps giving from generation to generation.

Love and peace,

Becky Chinchen

Founder, Amani ya Juu

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