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Article: Daughters of the King

Daughters of the King

Daughters of the King

In June, Amani Kenya had their annual spiritual retreat. The retreat impacted everyone, leaving bodies and souls refreshed and rejuvenated. We would like to share this experience with you.

Hear how the Amani women were impacted:

Judy: “When I heard one of the Team members share her story of her children being brought up in a Christian home but then going their own way, I could relate because my son has done the same thing. Even though we are from different places on the planet we still share the same heartaches and we can pray for each other.”

Florence: “I love and appreciate the whole team and how they showed their love to me when they came for a home visit to my house. Zenobia blessed me when she shared that it is good to be yourself and not care what people think or say about you. The prayer of blessing done in my house I will never forget for the rest of my days. God showed me that He loves me and he sent you sisters to love and bless me. I love you all.”

Monica: “I was blessed by all those who shared, but specifically Zenobia telling us to look in the mirror every morning and tell myself that I am loved and valued by God. Zenobia also taught me to love myself as I am and not to compare myself with anyone else. That I should appreciate who I am and what I have.”

Drilling Down

One of those who spoke at the retreat was Renee Nelson. She challenged the Amani women to "Live a Legacy" by sharing their faith with their children and grandchildren. Renee lived out her legacy in real time by bringing her granddaughter and daughter-in-law on this trip.

(Photo1: Renee and her granddaughter making a quilt)

(Photo2: Renee’s daughter in law, Therese, renovating playground)

Renee's 15-year old granddaughter, Bailey, announced with exuberance one day: "Amani is my favorite place to be on earth!”

Watoto Day Camp

Even the children of the Amani women had fun at a one day Watoto Peace Camp. The US team prepared all kinds of fun things for them to do: bubble sticks, ring crafts, beaded personalized bracelets, fun stickers, coloring, soccer and more. The theme of the camp: Confidence in God’s Power. “You are from God, little children…greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world”. (I John 4:4)

The kids loved having one on one time with their teachers, even the shy ones felt comfortable opening up.

Sankofa Dinner Fashion Show

The retreat culminated with a stunning Sankofa Dinner Fashion Show narrating through the arts of music, dance and fashion the story of the healing touch of Jesus.

Phase 1 – Brokenness “My thoughts trouble me and I am distraught…my heart is in anguish…fear and trembling overwhelm me.” (Psalm 55)

Phase 2 – Transformation “He lifted me out of the pit and set my feet on a rock. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God.” (Psalm 40)

Phase 3 – Celebration “Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)

Read the US team members’ impressions of their Amani visit:


“My eyes were opened to how much, something we would consider small in the US, can impact another life -- something as simple as entrepreneurship, empowerment, a safe place the Amani women have to come to, the ability the women have to support their families. My take-away? Everybody has a past, it’s not always a good one, but you can have a very bright future.”


“I was impacted by the openness everyone has at Amani to celebrate God and how much it is integrated into everything that is done here. It is woven into everything. Everything that is done is a worship to God.”


“My Amani experience starts at the gate, as you walk through, the smiles are contagious, the joy everybody has is beyond anything I have ever experienced before. My cup has been full for a solid 7 days since we have been on these grounds and it is because of the way the Lord is working here. I hope I can take that back and share that same joy that I have received here.”

If you would like to be a part of the impact Amani is having on the lives of women and their families, please visit our donate page.

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