Amani Liberia Roofing Team Update #2
0700 hrs - Team attends church in Sanniquellie. The Roofing team attends Pastor Martin Yarkay’s church in Sanniquellie, a nearby town. Before the offering, the pastor prays: “We are thankful for those who don’t have anything to give today and pray that they will be able to give next time.” The team appreciated the grace in that prayer. A song with one line, “I am grateful for a merciful God”, was sung for 8 minutes while the offering was collected. Kyle Mullinax reflected: “The more we sang it over and over again the more I appreciated God’s mercy”. The team notices the piano player gave two poorly dressed choir members money that they could put in the offering. At the end of the offering, half the team are in tears. They have never seen such joyful giving before!
01300hrs - Lunch at Pastor Martin’s house. Lunch after church at Martin’s house cooked by his new wife of 10 months, Rebecca. Potato greens and dried smoked fish is served. The team members hesitate briefly when they see the fish but right away say “Thank you” and eat the whole thing.
1600hrs – Visit to the abandoned iron ore mine The team visits the abandoned iron ore mine once operated by the Swedes 20 years ago. They are stunned by the scale of the operation, the size of the deep hole from where the iron ore was excavated, the size of the equipment now laying around as scrap and the realization of the huge presence and impact the mining company had on the community that grew to over 10,000 expats during its peak period.
Dec 7 - Monday 1200hrs – Half the old roof removed. By noon half the old roof has been removed and about 1/4 of the new roof on. "Making good progress! We are getting into a rhythm now. If we keep it up we should be able to finish the roof before we go" Team leader Pete Vaughn predicts.
12:30hrs — Receives flight confirmation. Samaritans Purse informs the team that the SP plane will pick up the team on Saturday at 11 am.
1300 hrs — Lunch is served. Lunch is fufu (dried and & grated cassava) with fish soup along with fried plantain and cassava chips. Victoria, the Acting Amani Manager of Liberia laughed: “I want them to taste a little bit of Africa.”
Challenges for the team: One battery charger has burned out trying out one of the new transformers. Fortunately the team has an extra one. Dealing with the sun reflecting off of the hot aluminum roof is a challenge. Experienced roofers are used to it but others are wearing layers along with big hats.
Community observations: The new General Manager of the international iron ore company located in Yekepa tells his local workers: “I’ve never heard of Amani.” The workers respond: “Everyone in Yekepa knows about Amani!” The GM promises that he will make a visit to Amani to meet the team members soon. Many in the community expressed their appreciation for the work the team is doing on the Amani building. Others are asking, “Is Amani going to reopen soon?” in hopeful anticipation.
Dec 9 – Wednesday
0900hrs – Running out of chickens. There are no chickens in Yekepa and no chickens in Guinea. The team is rationing their frozen chicken to make it stretch. Pete travels into Guinea to look for chicken but finds cow meat instead. He knows it is fresh because it is strung up. Purchases 4 kilos, the change given back to him by the butcher has a small chunk of meat on it. The team is excited about BBQ beef tonight with cassava greens!!!
1200hrs – Lunch Edoe and plantain steamed and boiled with peanut soup
1400hrs – Devotions with the Amani ladies Eight to nine Amani women are in attendance. Everyone introduces themselves and the women express their appreciation for the work on the roof by the team. Devotions: Given by Pete Vaughn. Story of Lazurus. Jesus wept. God knows and feels the pain of Libeirans. He feels compassion for them. The Pharisees saw Lazurus resurrected and wanted to kill him. The evil one will try to frustrate Amani like the Pharisees tried to frustrate Lazurus. Putting on the roof is like a miracle. Don’t let people discourage you, we have seen a miracle and we can be thankful and joyful for what God has done and will do through Amani. Laytopoe gave a beautiful prayer, drenched everyone in prayer, prayed for everyone by name, the team members, the families of the team members, all the Amani members, Del and Becky, no one was left out.
Health conditions: A few of the team members have bouts of running stomach (diarrhea). They have been given treatment and are fine now. Accommodations: Accommodations are great! Had to turn off air-conditioner, got so cold.
1500hrs – Roof will be finished in one hour, two days ahead of schedule!!!
"We have a system down and the team members are professional roofers. When they start a job they get it done “ says Pete Vaughn team leader. The Amani family is thanking God for His help, for giving each team member the strength and the skills to do what seemed to be the impossible.
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