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Article: White Ribbon Day at Amani Kenya

White Ribbon Day at Amani Kenya

White Ribbon Day at Amani Kenya

"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

John 14:27

The following is a message from Cathie Burke, an administrator at Amani Kenya.

The Australian Embassy in Kenya kicked of "White Ribbon Dayat Amani Kenya today. God truly blessed the event and we are so thankful!

 Australia Ambassador to Kenya, Geoff Tooth (middle) along with Ms. Tegla Loroupe, an award-winning Kenyan runner and peace ambassador.

people standing on stage at amani kenya for white ribbon event

After the event, Joyce gave seven of the white ribbon pins to the men working at Amani Kenya.

joyce giving doing pinning at amani kenya for white ribbon event

Kenyan and Australian men took this oath, "I swear never to commit, excuse or remain silent about violence against women"

Thanks so much to Christine, Dorothy and all the Cafe staff for an incredible job with the breakfast buffet they served. 

women getting food at white ribbon event

We had been told to expect around fifty people but seventy five people joined us. We not only had enough food but every guest only had compliments of the Cafe.

The women of Amani ya Juu world-wide would also like to thank you, Joyce for all your hard work. We are very thankful that Amani could be a voice of God's peace for this campaign. We pray for continued blessings for the work of Amani globally and The White Ribbon Project as we work together as ambassadors of peace!

Would you like to learn more about The White Ribbon Project?

Check out their website and Facebook page. 

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