Earlier this month we hosted a Christmas party at the Amani Liberia center. The members, their families, and several local Amani friends all arrived on a Saturday to celebrate the birth of Christ and a remarkable 2012.
The evening was celebrated with a contribution from each member. Victoria and Annie G. spearheaded preparation for several delightful Liberian dishes (rice, vegetables, fried chicken, and cake). Izetta, an aspiring singer, wrote a song entitled “Amani Liberia”, which she performed in sunglasses, a lapa suite (skirt and top cut from the same bright African cloth), matching heels and a spunky attitude. Austin and Ellis played the drums. Theresa, the evening’s host, introduced each event with a smile and quiet confidence.
Each Amani member was presented with three gifts; a sewing box, a Christmas bonus from Amani supporters across the United States, and a live chicken from the Redland Baptist Church of Maryland, Virginia.
[caption id="attachment_2315" align="aligncenter" width="327"]
Theresa, the MC[/caption]
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Ophelia and part of her family [/caption]
[caption id="attachment_2317" align="aligncenter" width="498"]
Hannah, Liberia's Country Director, with Wilson, Ophelia's son[/caption]
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Annie with her chicken, a gift from Redland Baptist Church (Maryland, Virginia)[/caption]
Here is what Amani Liberia members have to say about their Christmas party:
“The party was fine*! I just want to thank the Amani family for the chicken and letter I received.”
- Regina
“Amani is good! The gift you give me is fine! The chicken---its good. I finished eating it.”
- Yei
“The Christmas gifts satisfied me, satisfied my whole family. My daughter loved the box. I will raise the chicken so it can get big and provide for me. I will get more and add them up. I will never eat my chicken---it will provide fine-fine babies.”
- Ellis, who gave his sewing box to his daughter
“The Christmas party was too beautiful! When I opened the envelope, I was happy about what was inside! I carried my chicken home. Christmas day, I will eat it! Amani is too good. Tell the Amani family hello!”
- Patricia
“I enjoyed the celebration because we sang songs, they divided up food, nobody went home without food, everyone ate enough. My children were very happy. I am happy for my chicken. I will eat it, but not now---I will feed it until Christmas. I will put my earrings, my chain, and small-small things in my box.”
- Ophelia
“The Christmas party brought joy to my life. I was very proud. I was very happy to receive the gifts among people that day. (The sewing box) is a joyous box! When I set it on my table it, it beautifies my room! I loved the chicken gift. My father came to visit, so I killed the chicken and we ate it. I explained that Amani gave me the chicken and he was really happy. My father is proud of me and very happy I am at Amani.”
- Darlene
*”fine” means “beautiful” or “lovely” in Creole-English
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