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Article: 5 Ways to Spread Peace

5 Ways to Spread Peace

5 Ways to Spread Peace

Amani ya Juu is Swahili for "Peace from Above". Want to spread peace in your life?

Look no further.


1. Purchase Ethically Sourced Products or Gently Used Items

"For God is not a God of disorder but of peace." 1 Corinthians 14:33 

In a world that encourages mindless purchasing every new gadget, there are now many peaceful alternatives. When you purchase fair trade items from Amani ya Juu or other like minded companies, you are supporting a more peaceful world. Learn more about this here.

Practical tips:

Breathe new life into things you already own.

Fix what is broken instead of quickly replacing it with something new.  

Find ways to enjoy your time without spending money. When you do choose to purchase something new, research what you are buying. Ask these important questions: Did it come from a place that respects it's workers? Was it made with ethically sourced products?

fair trade

Look for the Fair Trade symbol when you are purchasing chocolate, coffee, tea, spices, bananas, and candy.

Decorate your home with beautiful products that are also giving beautiful opportunities. Need some inspiration?

Simple changes such as these make a huge difference in our world.


2. Take simple steps to Eliminate Waste

“I only feel angry when I see waste. When I see people throwing away things we could use."- Mother Teresa

Practical Tips:

Host a gathering where your friends and family bring the things in their fridge and pantry that are nearing expiration dates. Then you can make a lovely dinner out of the random ingredients and avoid food waste.


Recycle and composting are ways to become good stewards of our environment. Maybe take it a step further and switch to reusable products. If this one inspires you, you might want to check out Amani's beautiful tea towels and cloth napkins


3. Share Your Resources

"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'"- Martin Luther King Jr.

In all stages of life, their our ways to be generous to our fellow brothers and sisters. There are always simple ways we can share what is ours whether it is our time, money, equipment, friendship, or food. 

Practical Tips

Bake a loaf of banana bread and bring it to a friend who is having a hard time.

Write a simple email to a friend and offer to run errands for them.

Begin a monthly donation, no matter how big or small, with a organization or your church.


Volunteer your time and talents.

If you are interested in helping with Amani ya Juu's many projects, check out our donations page.  Another great way to help Amani spread peace is by volunteering. Those who volunteer tend to have more rewarding and peaceful lives. Consider volunteering through our box program here


4. Educate Yourself

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."- Nelson Mandela

We live in a new age where information is not only at our finger tips but also free. A great way to begin spreading peace is becoming a resource yourself.

Practical Tips:

There are great places online that can help you stay up to date on what is going on around the world. Need some ideas on where to go? Check out this great article

Also an easy way to do this is to put some interesting reads about social change on your bedside table. Check out our reading list here.

Host or join a book club or small group. It is powerful and beneficial to learn and pray with your community.

Interested in learning more about Amani ya Juu?  Here is a video about us, information about our centers,and sign up for our email newsletter .


5. Simplify your Life

“This perpetual hurry of business and company ruins me in soul if not in body. More solitude and earlier hours!” -William Wilberforce

fair trade sewing group africa

We need time in our life to care for our friends, families, and ourselves.

Slow down and rest.

Shop Amani. Spread Peace.

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